Code of Conduct

Ghana Property Awards - Code of Ethics


GAPOA is an acronym for Ghana Property Awards & Real Estate Foundation Created in
Ghana in 2007, GAPOA is a Nationwide Real Estate Non -governmental business networking organization open to all

professionals involved with the property industry.


The Property & Real Estate Federation aims to enable participants in the Real Estate
Industry to improve the quality and competitiveness of their activities through the
sharing of knowledge, information and business opportunities at a local, national and
international level and to serve the following purposes:

- To defend on a nationwide level, the collective, moral, and professional interests
of its members, and those of the groups which make it up.

- To allow participants in the real estate industry to improve the quality and the
competitiveness of their activities through the sharing of knowledge,
information and business opportun


The GAPOA Code of Ethics explains the standards of behavior that GAPOA expects of
you in dealing in your daily activities and dealing with others.

This Code cannot foresee every situation that might arise. Rather, it identifies guiding principles to help you make decisions consistent with GAPOA’s values and reputation.

When a networking organization practices and promotes ethical behavior, everyone benefits.

Being honest, forthright and consistent in our dealings with others fosters a positive work environment. An organization that prides itself on integrity inspires confidence in its Members, Officers, employees, suppliers and the wider real estate industry.

From time to time, changes in the business context or regulatory environment creates a need for new guidelines. As a result, the printed version of the Code is subject to change without notice. Any updates will appear in the electronic version of the Code posted on the GAPOA Web site (

1.1    Who must follow the Code

This Code applies at all times, without exception, to all National, Regional and Multinational Chapters (herein referred to as “Chapters”), to all Direct Members and Members of Chapters (herein referred to as “Members”), appointed and elected Officers in the Board of Directors, the Professional Division, the Administration Division, Members, Coordinators  Regional Committees, the Strategic Planning Committee, the International Relations Division

Oversight Panel and all existing or new governance bodies) as well as GAPOA  Headquarters employees.
GAPOA suppliers, partners and sponsors, as well as third parties, are also expected to adhere to the Code when dealing with or acting on behalf of GAPOA

1.2 Which Laws Apply

As an international Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), GAPOA has Members in many reginal around Ghana. As a result, GAPOA and  its Members are subject to the laws of
many jurisdictions, including, provinces, municipalities another l bodies, such as
Members, Officers and its employees must obey the law in each
jurisdiction where the organization operates. If a conflict should arise between the applicable laws of different countries where GAPOA has activities, or between the GAPOA Code and any law or regulation, the matter should be brought to the attention of a FIABCI Headquarters.

1.3 Committing to the Code

Newly admitted, Members, Officers as well as newly nominated or elected Officers as well as

newly-hired employees must sign an acknowledgement that they have read and understood the Code.


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Members of the Board of Directors, Officers of GAPOA Councils, the Administration Division and

Committees are not only required to acknowledge that they have read and understood the Code, but also that they have neither breached nor are aware of any breach of the Code’s provisions.


1.4 Policies and Procedures of the Organization


Each membership group issues its own set of policies and procedures, in line with GAPOA’s Nationwide policies. Members have an obligation to follow those policies and procedures in addition to those described in this Code.


1.5 Members & Employees

As a member or employee you are expected to:


• assume personal responsibility for performing your duties with fairness and integrity;

• agree to do your part to achieve GAPOA’s objectives to the best of your abilities, while

making decisions consistent with the Code, and without compromise;

• have a basic understanding of the Code and review it from time to time.


If you become aware of a possible violation of the Code, you are expected to:

• act promptly and in good faith by raising it with your superior

• Take your concern beyond your supervisor to a member of the Board of Directors if the

suspected breach you have reported was not resolved; and

• be prepared to cooperate in FIABCI investigations regarding violations of the Code.


1.6 The Board of Directors, Chapter Leadership and Officers

The responsibilities of GAPOA’s Board of Directors, Members, Coordinators and Officers include and go beyond those of Members and employees. As a Board of Directors Member, Coordinators



Officer you are expected to:


GAPOA Code of Ethics


• know the Code in detail and actively promote it among Members;

• lead by providing a model of high standards of ethical conduct, creating a work environment

reflecting the content and the spirit of the Code;

• be vigilant in preventing, detecting and responding to any violations of the Code;

• protect those who report violations; and

• work with GAPOA Secretariat to distribute the Code to Members and collect the above-

mentioned acknowledgments when required.


1.7 GAPOA Core Values

All GAPOA policies, including this Code, stem from our Core Values. These common values must

therefore, inspire all our actions and decisions and provide a benchmark for everyone.


Our Core Values are:


in everything we do and say, thereby earning and maintaining the trust and respect of business industry we represent.

Commitment to excellence

in all spheres of our work and in our interactions with Members, partners and all real estate professionals.

Culture of Innovation and development

of new technologies and solution serving our industry.

Focused on creating sustainable membership value

through developing profitable products, services and projects, and soundly managing the organization for the benefit of our members.

Community of action

aiming to protect its members and global interests of our industry worldwide.


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4 Code of Ethics & Business Conduct

The GAPOA Code addresses ethical conduct in relation to the work environment, business practices and relationships with external stakeholders.

The GAPOA Code is also fully consistent with the ethical principles published to date by the

International Ethical Standards Coalition (details can be found at

4.1 Membership Practices

GAPOA treats all Members fairly, ethically, respectfully and with dignity. The organization offers equal membership opportunities without regard to any distinctions based on age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, religion, citizenship, marital status, family situation, country of origin or other factors, in accordance with the laws and regulations of each country where it is implemented.

4.2 Harassment and Personal Security

GAPOA policies protect Members, Officers and employees from harassment, bullying and victimization in the workplace, including all forms of sexual, physical and psychological abuse. As Board of Directors

Member, Coordinators, Officer, Member and employee, you are entitled to, and are expected to

preserve, a positive, harmonious and professional work environment.

4.3 Health, Safety and the Environment

The occupational health and safety of Members, Officers and employees and environmental protection are priorities at FIABCI, where they are regarded as a fundamental social responsibility. We strive to reduce the impact of our activities and of the performance of our products on the Environment.

To protect their own safety as well as that of their colleagues, Members, Officers and employees

undertake not to work under the influence of any substance that could impair their judgment or interfere with the effective and responsible performance of their duties.


4.4 GAPOA Property

Organization property should only be used for legitimate FIABCI mission purposes. FIABCI Coordinators Officers, Members and employees are expected to take good care of the organization’s property and not expose it to loss, damage, misuse or theft.

4.5 Intellectual Property

Intellectual property comprises Chapter name, logos, domain names, patents, database, copyrights and trade secrets. Chapters, Officers, Members and Employees have a duty to protect GAPOA’s intellectual property, just as they have the obligation to respect that of others. Subject to applicable laws, any inventions or discoveries made by employees during the course of their work are GAPOA’s property.

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Intellectual property is considered confidential information. Therefore, it is covered by the non-

disclosure guidelines set out in the “Confidential Information” section of this Code.

4.6 Books and Records

GAPOA’s books and records (Directory, books, photos, videos, meeting

recordings…) are complete, fair and accurate and comply with all legal reporting requirements.

Supported by GAPOAI’s systems of internal controls, they reflect all assets, liabilities, transactions and events and conform to required accounting principles.

GAPOA Officers and employees manage, store, archive and dispose of books and records—both print and electronic— according to established policies and legal requirements.

4.7 Communications

As a Coordinators representative, Member, Officer or employee, you should be truthful and straightforward in your dealings and not intentionally mislead colleagues or suppliers. Use appropriate, professional language, both in written documents and public conversations.

Communications with the media, the stakeholders and regulators are the responsibility of the

President, unless explicitly delegated by writing.


Inquiries received by a Member, Officer or employee must be referred to the Director  and the Executive Secretary

4.8 Electronic Mail and Internet Usage

GAPOA’s electronic mail and Internet systems are provided for business use. When using electronic mail, you should remember that it is susceptible to interception, creates a permanent record, can be printed or forwarded to others by the recipient and will likely be retained on the recipient’s computer for a long time. Therefore, exercise the same care in sending electronic mail as in other written business communications. Never use GAPOI’s Internet connection or computer equipment to access, transmit or download content that is inappropriate and does not meet business requirements.

4.9 Gifts and Entertainment

Coordinators Leadership, Officers, Members, employees, suppliers, partners and other third parties

representing GAPOA must avoid giving or receiving gifts or entertainment if these might improperly influence the recipient’s judgment or might be perceived to do so.

Gifts can include goods, services, favors, loans, trips, accommodation or use of property, etc.

Sometimes in business, for example, in certain cultures, an exchange of gifts is appropriate. In such instances, the gifts should be reasonable, in good taste, and have token or nominal value. Members or

employees must never give or accept gifts when prohibited from doing so by law or by the recipient’s or donor organization’s policies.

4.10 Confidential Information

Confidential information is information belonging to GAPOA that is not subject to public disclosure.

Confidential information encompasses information produced by GAPOA or obtained in confidence from a third party and covered by a non-disclosure agreement.

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Examples of confidential information are financial data, strategic plans, intellectual property,

information on bids, personal employee information, legal documents and information on suppliers.

Do not divulge confidential information to anyone other than the person or persons for whom it is

intended, unless authorized or legally required to do so. This includes confidential information provided by suppliers. Chapter Leadership, Officers, Members and employees agree to maintain such confidentiality at all times, even after leaving membership or the employ of GAPOA.

Leadership, Officers, Members and employees should also exercise caution to avoid misusing

or inadvertently disclosing confidential information.


This includes:

• keeping electronic and paper documents and files containing confidential information in a safe


• not discussing confidential matters where they could be overheard, for example, in public places

such as elevators, hallways, restaurants, airplanes and taxis;

• exercising caution when discussing confidential matters on wireless telephones or other wireless


• transmitting confidential documents by electronic devices, such as by fax or e-mail, only when

it is reasonable to believe this can be done under secure conditions; and

• avoiding unnecessary copying of confidential documents.

4.11 Conflicts of Interest

Avoid conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived, in the performance of your duties. A conflict of interest is considered to be any situation or arrangement where your personal activities or interests’ conflict with your responsibilities to GAPOA.

Do not put yourself in a position where there is or could be an obligation to any third party who might benefit from such situation at the expense of GAPOA. Your actions must never lead to personal gain to the detriment of GAPOA’s stated organization interests.

Situations of conflict of interest can also arise when you take on outside work that could compromise the diligent performance of your duties for GAPOA. Should such a situation arise, you are encouraged

to discuss it with your supervisor or Council to assess the impact the outside work could have

on your duties for GAPOA.

4.12 Illegal and Improper Payments

Coordinators, Leadership, Officers, Members, employees, suppliers, partners and other third parties are

strictly prohibited from offering or taking any form of illegal or improper payment. GAPOA funds and assets must never be used for any unlawful purpose. As a Chapter representative, Officer, Member and employee, you must never approve, authorize or make any payment, gift or favor to any person in a position of authority, such as a government or corporate official, in order to obtain favorable treatment in negotiations or the awarding of contracts, or any other dealings.

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4.13 Anti-Corruption Laws

GAPOA complies with anti-corruption legislation in all jurisdictions where it operates.

Leadership, Officers, Members, employees, suppliers, partners and other third parties (such as agents) must never make or approve an illegal payment to anyone, under any circumstances.

4.14 Political Activity

As a GAPOA representative, Officer, Member and employee, you may, subject to applicable

laws, engage in legitimate political activity, as long as it is carried out on your own time and without

using GAPOA property. You may seek election or other political office, but you must notify your

supervisor / Leadership to discuss the impact your involvement may have on your duties at GAPOA.

You may express your views on public or community issues of importance but it must be clear at all times that the views expressed are not those of GAPOA.

GAPOA Leadership, Officers, Members, employees abide by all laws and regulations governing

political contributions in every jurisdiction where they have activities. GAPOA is an apolitical and non- governmental organization. GAPOA International and its governing bodies do not interfere nor intervene into internal and external relations and/or conflicts in any country whatever the subject is (political, geographical, historical, cultural, religious, linguistic…). GAPOA supports the implementation of best practices and regulatory issues in compliance with national and supranational real estate legislation. The name of a national/regional/multinational chapter does not refers to a specific geographic area and not to the country name.

4.15 Suppliers, Partners, Sponsors and Third Parties

GAPOA suppliers, partners, sponsors and other third parties must know and agree to comply with the Code. All agreements with suppliers, partners, sponsors and third parties must be in writing and must specify the goods and services to be provided and the fees to be paid. Such agreements must be in line with reasonable competitive and market practices, the principles established in this Code and relevant corporate policies.

5 Governance of the Code

GAPOA has implemented a structure of governance to ensure that the principles of the Code are

promoted throughout the organization and that the Code is managed effectively. This Code of Ethics enters into force upon ratification by the General Assembly in compliance with FIABCI Statutes.

Compliance Officer

The Compliance Officer oversees the GAPOA efforts to promote an ethical work environment and

business practices.

The Compliance Officer shall be elected by Council Members and reports to the General members and stakeholders

Before proceeding with the necessary amendments in the Statutes and Internal Regulations, the

Compliance Officer shall be elected by the Board on the recommendation of the Council