Irene Agyenkwa

Irene Agyenkwa

Name Irene Agyenkwa
Designation Director - Ghana Property Awards
Email Address
Phone +447534360017. +233504439463
Social Media

irene Agyenkwa holds a BA Hons from Middlesex University. She is a human resource specialist. She has worksd at the Home Office in the UK. She serve as director of Ghana Property Awards, directing and Managing the Awards Team.

She also manages the African Property Awards and the Ghana Diaspora Awards in the UK.

She has managed and directed the team for the past 14 years.

Ghana Property Awards - Excellence Awards & Dinners Night (November 30)

7.00 pm - 11.45 pm

Session: Ghana Property Awards - Program Line UP

Ghana Property Awards (GAPOA) is an NGO with a sizable membership of award winners, short listed companies, individuals consisting stakeholders in Ghana’s Real Estate, Construction and infrastructure Industry